Hi Friends! You can listen toThe Intermittent Fasting Podcast on any podcast player!
Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes!
- Open iTunes and click on "STORE."
- Search for The Intermittent Fasting Podcast, and click on it! (Alternatively, go to this link, and click on "View in iTunes" under the main picture.)
- Hover your mouse over whatever episode title strikes your fancy, and click on the pop up "play" button.
- You can also click "Subscribe" under the main picture, to get the episodes downloaded automatically to your iMac/iPhone/etc.!
- Using the above method, episodes will be downloaded on iPhones in the official Podcasts App.
- Download Spotify.
- Search for The Intermittent Fasting Podcast, or go to: https://open.spotify.com/show/40l7rdCqYl8GdxW2XSK3ZT?si=JVi7b2T7RzuWTeNGgIzJ-A or spotify:show:40l7rdCqYl8GdxW2XSK3ZT
- Download the FREE Himalaya app, for iPhone or Android! www.himalaya.fm
- Search for The Intermittent Fasting Podcast, and FOLLOW US!
- You'll then get the podcast, released 24 hours before iTunes!!!
- Plus, Melanie is an AVID podcaster listener, and Himalaya is officially her FAVORITE app to use!
Are you an android user? Have no fear!
- You can listen to us via the Himalaya APP! (See above!)
- Listen directly on the Stitcher website: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/melanie-avalon/the-intermittent-fasting-podcast
- Download and use the Stitcher App for iOS, Android, desktop, cars, and even Amazon Echo!